Raffael Bader
Painting | Drawing
In Raffael Bader's paintings, which are largely characterized by landscape, he considers his view of a world full of tensions while these hold the world together. He pursues a nature that consists of structures that strive for harmony on a chaotic breeding ground; in the same way he understands us humans and our social interactions.
In the process of creating an image, he looks for what presents itself to him as core elements of this nature. He finds this in landscapes and their colors, shapes and lines, which awaken longings in us while simultaneously containing the subtle presence of danger. Images emerge that originate from reality. However, not the one that is currently being experienced, but the reality that forms in himself over time, manifesting itself in his paintings. The forms found move between strong abstraction and familiar structures. Because of his understanding of the allegory between nature and social behavior, he subtly treats his own social interactions in his painting. Therefore, it is a highly emotional activity for him.
Leipzig based visual artist, Raffael Bader, graduated at the Academy of Fine Arts, Leipzig, Germany in 2019. He grew up in the south of Germany, lived in the north for a while until it brought him to the east. The change of location, which is also reflected in his longer stays abroad (Australia, Asia and Latin America, among others), has a decisive influence on his work. Bader’s paintings deal with his view of a world full of tensions, while these tensions hold our world together. In 2020 he received the Denkzeit grant from the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony and in 2021 the work scholarship from Stiftung Kunstfond Bonn. In 2020 he began exhibiting internationally, including in Switzerland and the USA. Bader has exhibitied in Germany, Switzerland & the UK in over 20 group shows in past 5 years with galleries and institutes inc. MDBK, ZFK, Art City Works & Blue Shop Cottage, alongside 5 solo shows in Germany and the US with galleries inc. Galerie Potemka & Rocket Science.
Please email jack@brusheswithgreatness.co.uk to receive a catalogue of all available work.