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​Brushes with Greatness is a Gallery and Visual Art Agency established in 2021 with the intention of encouraging pan-societal, interpersonal communication and the proliferation of progressive ideas via accessible art and experiential curation. 


BWG Gallery hosts a concept-led, nomadic exhibition programme platforming early-mid career artists exploring naturalcultural hybridity, with a centric focus on contemporary landscape and surrealist artwork, and immersive curation. BWG Gallery exhibitions typically include embellishments of multi-sensory installation. BWG Gallery ran its first mid-term gallery on Soho Square July 2023 – January 2024. The Gallery launched its ongoing art and interior design exhibition series Naturalcultural Nights in a domestic space in Wapping September 2024.


"Without enthusiasm, nothing great can be effected in art."

Robert Schumann

To receive updates on our artists, artwork, and exhibitions, follow us on Instagram or subscribe to BWG's newsletter at the foot of the page. For all other enquiries please get in touch.

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