Maxim Burnett
Painting | Drawing
Maxim Burnett is a self-taught British figurative oil painter based in London. Having recently recovered from cancer, between immunocompromising illness and lockdowns, Burnett has trained his artistic talent throughout his 20’s in rural isolation, giving his work an outsider quality that’s uniquely his own. Burnett finds inspiration in muralists such as Rivera, symbolists like Blake, constructivists, futurists, brutalists and purism; though his style is reminiscent of a mid-century aesthetic, Burnett’s paintings echo many whilst taking on a wholly new visual language imbued with revisionism.
Burnett considers his painting practice an “act of enshrinement”. Be this his expressive and textured handling of paint, the scale and proportions of his canvases, his choice of materials or the making and gilding of his own frames, Maxim’s works are venerative labours; allegorical monuments to contemporary themes.
His painting is designed to call the confidence of humanist ideals into question, to challenge the aforementioned prosperity and optimism of the 20th century, examining the Faustian relationship humanity has with its ubiquitous, deific level of influence and might in our current time.
Maxim Burnett (b. UK) is a self-taught artist currently studying an MA in Fine Art at City and Guilds, London. His works have been exhibited as part of Aubergine Art Gallery’s Young Contemporaries, a show featuring work from twelve of London’s most promising young contemporary artists, (2019). He was shortlisted for the Summer Exhibition at the Royal Academy and Victoria Gallery open call (2022). He has been published in MU Magazine (2022), and his works belong in The Moore Collection and The Hempleman-Adams Collection.
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